Our managing partner M.Nida Ergenç is considered one of the top Litigators in Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Re-Structuring Proceedings. He has authored a published book on Bankruptcy Litigation. Financially distressed Corporations as well as creditors often turn to Ergenç Law Firm for expert opinions and insight on various matters related to Bankruptcy, Insolvency and Restructuring. We have taken a lead role in many Bankruptcy Lawsuits, our team of lawyers are proficient to handle clients cases relating to creditor or debtor disputes. This gives us the ability to empathize with all the parties involved and provide custom services accordingly.
We advise Clients on stay of Bankruptcy Lawsuits, Financial Re-Structuring Models, and Consensual or Non-Consensual Insolvency and/or Bankruptcy Proceedings. We also frequently take seat in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Committees formed by Creditors of a Bankrupt/Insolvent Company.